Monday, April 19, 2010

I Can Do It!

We have been having some issues lately with Hunter's attitude/behavior. Alot of it I feel is him trying to test what his limits are at home and alot of it too is mimmicked behavior from friends at school. I had him moved from the big 2's room before his planned move up date because there were some children I had witnessed showing some aggressive behavior and I felt like that was part of the problem. Little did I know there were 2 other children in the little 3's that had some aggressive behavior issues as well. We had really been working on this at home but I felt like we needed some visual reinforcement. Today I went to Michael's, came home and created Hunter's I Can Do It Reward Chart. I did some research online and found a pretty good model so that really helped.

I will report back in a few weeks to let you know if it worked :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April = Cleaning & Organizing

We have decided that this month is going to be our month of cleaning and organizing our house! Each Monday when I am off work I am going to try to tackle one room in our house - this week it was the Master bathroom. I threw stuff away, cleaned the cabinets & drawers, organized and deep cleaned (even scrubbed the baseboards). It was a job but boy was it worth it! It feels so good to go in there and see what I accomplished :)

Today I was able to get off work a little bit early so I decided to pick up Hunter at school and spend the afternoon with him. Since he was home and loves to help me sweep etc., I decided to tackle his little spot in our kitchen. I found a little table and chairs on Craigslist this week so we put together his craft spot! He is so excited.

Haven't decided what the next project is - but stay tuned for the results!

Little Red...

Tricycle!!! This Easter David and I gave Hunter a RadioFlyer tricycle. We got it put together and he was able to enjoy it since the weather is so wonderful! He got the hang of the pedaling but still hasn't mastered steering... it will only be a matter of time I know :) Now he is ready for the Trike-A-Thon at his preschool on Friday in support of St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Pictures as promised

Here are the pics of Hunter at the dentist :) Thankfully David was able to fix our computer so that I could get these uploaded!